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Your AI agency - Zaibr Innovations We make artificial intelligence available

Welcome to Zaibr Innovations, your first port of call for innovative and customized solutions in the world of artificial intelligence (AI). As a leading AI agency, we have made it our mission to accompany companies on their journey into the digital future. With state-of-the-art technologies and a dedicated team of experts, we develop customized AI solutions that are perfectly tailored to your individual needs. Our passion for AI and our in-depth expertise make us the ideal partner for digital transformation.

We enjoy the trust of top companies

In short: What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a generic term for technologies that enable computers, machines and robots to perform tasks that require human thought. These include learning, decision making, problem solving, perception and speech recognition. Simply put, AI makes it possible for machines to ‘think’ and ‘act’ like humans. With AI, you can make processes more efficient and future-proof your business. Let’s find out together how AI can advance your business.

Our services and expertise as an AI agency

At Zaibr Innovations, we offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure you maximize the benefits of artificial intelligence. Our expertise spans all major areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI), so we can support you at every stage of your AI journey.

AI consulting

Our AI consulting helps you to identify and strategically exploit the potential and possible applications of artificial intelligence in your company. As an AI agency, we analyse your business processes, identify optimization potential and jointly develop a tailor-made AI strategy that perfectly matches your goals.

AI development

We develop customized AI solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. From conception to programming and implementation, our experts work closely with you to ensure that the AI systems developed are seamlessly integrated into your existing processes and offer maximum efficiency.

AI training

Our AI training courses enable your team to make optimum use of the newly implemented systems and exploit the full potential of AI. We offer practical training courses that are individually tailored to the needs and knowledge of your team. This will make your company fit for the future. We ensure that all employees can use the new AI tools effectively. Our training courses are designed to make your company fit for the future and increase efficiency and productivity.

AI workshop

In our interactive AI workshops, we work with your team to develop innovative solutions and strategies. Through practice-oriented exercises and case studies, participants gain deeper insights into the functioning and possible applications of artificial intelligence, paving the way for successful implementations.

AI strategy

A well thought-out AI strategy is the key to success. We help you to develop a long-term vision for the use of AI in your company. We take your specific business goals into account and develop a roadmap that helps you to achieve these goals efficiently and sustainably.

AI integration

The integration of AI systems into existing business processes is a challenge that we master with expertise and experience. We ensure that the new technologies are seamlessly integrated into your existing systems and make sure that the transition phase runs smoothly. This allows you to benefit from the advantages of AI quickly and easily.

Tailor-made AI solution

Every company is unique, and so are our solutions. At Zaibr Innovations, we develop customized AI solutions that are perfectly tailored to your specific requirements and challenges. Whether it’s process automation, data analysis or the development of intelligent systems – we deliver customized solutions that really work.

Planning the use of AI applications

Thorough planning is crucial for the successful use of AI applications. We help you select the right technology, prioritize projects and create a clear roadmap.

Our business processes for the successful use of artificial intelligence (AI)

A structured and well thought-out process is essential for the successful use of artificial intelligence in your company. At Zaibr Innovations, we follow proven business processes to ensure that every AI project is implemented efficiently and purposefully.

Analysis of the current state

The first step in any AI project is a thorough analysis of the current state. We evaluate your current systems, processes and data to obtain a clear picture of the initial situation. This analysis forms the basis for all further steps and helps to identify the optimal application options for AI.

Joint planning in the AI workshop

After the as-is analysis, we invite you to a joint AI workshop. In this interactive format, we work out the goals and priorities of your AI project together. We identify specific use cases and develop a roadmap for implementation. The workshop encourages the exchange of ideas and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page.

Implementing AI in the company

Implementing AI solutions requires technical know-how and careful planning. Our team of experts will integrate the AI applications into your existing systems. We ensure that the implementation runs smoothly and that the new solutions function optimally.

Retrospective on the use of AI

After implementation, we carry out a retrospective to evaluate the use of the AI solutions. We analyze the results achieved, identify potential for improvement and initiate adjustments where necessary. In this way, we ensure that the AI solutions remain successful and efficient in the long term.

Specialized solutions from your AI agency – Zaibr Innovations

Zaibr Innovations offers a variety of specialized solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Our customized applications are designed to meet specific business requirements and increase the efficiency of your processes.

AI document recognition

Our AI document recognition solution enables large volumes of documents to be analyzed quickly and accurately and relevant information to be extracted. This saves time and reduces human error in data processing.

AI security

AI security is crucial for any business. Zaibr Innovation offers tailor-made solutions to protect your data from unauthorized access. Our experts develop security strategies that meet the highest standards. Rely on our expertise to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

Personalized AI chatbots

Our personalized AI chatbots offer efficient and tailored communication with customers and employees. They are able to conduct natural conversations, solve problems and provide information, which increases customer satisfaction and reduces support costs. Whether for customer service, internal communication or information management – the functions of our AI chatbots are versatile and increase the efficiency of your business.

AI models with LLaMa, OpenAI or other providers

In our AI agency, we develop and implement AI models based on leading platforms such as LLaMa and OpenAI. These models are highly sophisticated and make it possible to perform complex tasks such as speech processing, image recognition and predictive analysis.

AI anonymization

If you want to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into your company, the anonymization of data is an important aspect. Our AI tools ensure maximum security by reliably rendering sensitive information unrecognizable. With our expertise in AI technology, we offer customized solutions for the secure processing and storage of your data.

Data anonymization

Data anonymization is a central component of many AI projects. At Zaibr Innovation, we offer a comprehensive overview of efficient anonymization methods that ensure the protection of sensitive data. Our specialized AI experts develop tailor-made strategies to keep your data secure and anonymous. Rely on our expertise for your next AI projects.


Pseudonymization plays a crucial role in modern data protection. We rely on advanced pseudonymization technologies to effectively protect sensitive data. Our solutions ensure that personal information remains anonymized and analyzable at the same time.

ChatGPT & OpenAI Integration

With the ChatGPT & OpenAI integration, we offer advanced voice processing capabilities for your business. This technology makes it possible to have natural and intuitive interactions with customers and systems.

Voice Assistant

Our voice assistant solutions use AI to create user-friendly and interactive voice interfaces. They are able to understand and execute commands, which significantly improves the user experience.

Knowledge base

We develop AI-powered knowledge bases that enable companies to efficiently manage and retrieve large amounts of data. These systems improve access to knowledge and support decision-making.

Azure integration

The integration of Azure into your IT infrastructure enables scalable and efficient cloud usage. Our experts ensure that your systems are migrated securely and reliably to the Azure cloud, guaranteeing easy use of AI applications.

Agency for artificial intelligence – advantages at a glance

Working with a specialized AI agency like Zaibr Innovations offers numerous advantages. Our expertise and tailor-made solutions help to make your company more efficient and competitive. Here is an overview of the most important benefits

Increased efficiency in daily business: Automated tasks, optimized workflows and intelligent decision support help to make better use of resources and put the time gained into other activities.

Deeper insights and understanding of processes: Through our advanced analytics tools, identify patterns and correlations that enable deeper understanding and more targeted improvements in decision-making.

Process optimization and automation: Our AI solutions for process optimization and automation ensure that your processes become smoother and more efficient. This leads to an overall improved performance of the company.

Sustainable competitive advantage in the industrial sector: Innovative technologies and our tailor-made AI solutions enable your specific strengths to be utilized and expanded.

Advantages of using AI in the company

Every company, whether small or large, can benefit from the integration of artificial intelligence. AI can be used to automate processes, improve the customer experience and efficiently analyze large amounts of data. As an artificial intelligence agency, we support you in your digital transformation by developing customized AI solutions for your specific needs.

Increasing efficiency

AI systems make it possible to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This frees up resources that can be used for strategic and creative activities. The increase in efficiency is reflected in faster work processes and higher employee productivity.

Cost savings

By automating processes and reducing human error, companies can achieve significant cost savings. Artificial intelligence systems work around the clock and do not require breaks, further reducing operating costs. In addition, precise data analysis can avoid unnecessary expenditure and make better use of budgets.

Increased productivity

With AI, work processes can not only be made more efficient, but also more productive. Intelligent systems support employees with complex tasks and provide relevant information in real time. This leads to faster processing of projects and higher overall productivity in the company.

Error minimization

The use of AI can drastically reduce errors. Intelligent systems work precisely and reliably, minimizing human error sources. This is particularly beneficial in areas such as quality control, finance and data analysis, where accuracy is critical.

Machine Learning & AI technologies we serve

At Zaibr Innovations, your AI agency, we use a variety of advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to develop customized solutions for our clients. Here are some of the key technologies and platforms we use:


OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a comprehensive library for the development of computer vision applications. It provides powerful tools for image and video processing that are used in many of our projects as an AI agency for object recognition and image analysis.


LangChain is a specialized platform for natural language processing and analysis. It enables us to efficiently handle complex text analysis and language processing tasks, which is particularly useful for chatbots and other NLP applications.


Pinecone is an advanced database solution for vector-based data. It is used to provide fast and scalable search and query capabilities for our AI models, especially in applications based on semantic search and similar tasks.


TensorFlow is an open source platform for machine learning and artificial intelligence. It can be used to develop and train various models, such as neural networks that recognize images and language models that can understand and generate speech. TensorFlow is also ideal for predictive models that analyze future trends and patterns.

Stable Diffusion

StableDiffusion is an innovative technology for stabilizing deep learning models. It helps to improve the performance and reliability of our AI models, especially in scenarios with high data noise or unstable training conditions.


Keras is a user-friendly deep learning API based on TensorFlow. It allows us to quickly and efficiently develop neural networks, which are used in many of our image recognition and NLP projects.


PyTorch is a flexible and dynamic deep learning library that is particularly suitable for research projects and prototyping. As an AI agency, we use PyTorch for a variety of tasks, from image processing to the development of NLP models. Thanks to the intuitive programming interface, we can develop and train complex AI models. PyTorch allows us to quickly create prototypes and precisely adapt the models to the specific requirements of your company.

Computer Vision

Our computer vision technologies include a wide range of tools and methods for processing and analyzing visual data. This enables applications such as object recognition, image segmentation and visual monitoring.

Various LLM models

We work with various Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve challenging NLP tasks. These models enable us to generate texts, answer questions and handle complex language processing tasks.

OpenAI / ChatGPT

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an advanced natural language generation tool. It enables the development of intelligent chatbots and interactive voice interfaces that can have human-like conversations. With ChatGPT, automated customer services can be set up that are available around the clock and offer natural, intuitive interactions. ChatGPT thus helps companies to improve their communication and make it more efficient.


LLaMa is a specialized machine learning and artificial intelligence platform that focuses on large-scale language models. These models are designed to handle complex natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as text understanding and generation. With LLaMa, companies can develop customized AI solutions tailored to their specific needs. It is ideal for applications such as text analysis, automatic translation and intelligent language assistants.


Geminai offers advanced solutions for processing and analyzing data. This platform makes it possible to process large amounts of data efficiently and gain valuable insights from it. With Geminai, we develop precise and scalable machine learning models that are tailored to specific business requirements. Geminai is ideal for applications such as data analysis, predictive modeling and business process automation.

Phalcon B

Phalcon B is a powerful infrastructure specifically designed for the development and deployment of AI applications. With this platform, we can create and implement scalable and efficient machine learning models. Phalcon B helps companies to deploy AI solutions in various industries, be it healthcare, finance, retail or manufacturing. By using Phalcon B, complex data analyses can be carried out, processes automated and innovative products developed.

Anthropic Claude

Anthropic Claude is an innovative platform that focuses on the safe and ethical development of artificial intelligence. This platform places particular emphasis on the fairness and transparency of AI models, which means that it is designed to avoid biased decisions and to be openly traceable. With Anthropic Claude, we develop responsible and trustworthy AI solutions that meet ethical standards. This platform is ideal for companies that want to ensure that their AI applications are fair, transparent and reliable.


Mistral provides advanced tools for the development and optimization of AI models. With this platform, we can continuously improve the performance and efficiency of our AI models. Mistral enables us to adapt and optimize models to respond to the ever-changing requirements and challenges in the business environment.

This platform helps us to develop innovative solutions that are faster, more accurate and more scalable. This enables us to ensure that our AI applications are always state of the art and meet the highest standards.

Data protection and EU AI Act working methods

At Zaibr Innovations, we attach great importance to the protection of our customers’ data and strictly adhere to the legal requirements, in particular the EU AI Act, which will be mandatory in the EU at the end of 2025. Our way of working ensures data protection and ethical standards while developing innovative solutions with Artificial Intelligence.

Data protection

We use state-of-the-art security protocols and encryption technologies to protect our customers’ data. All our solutions comply with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including minimizing data collection and ensuring data integrity.


The EU AI Act sets out clear guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in Europe. We integrate these regulations into our processes to ensure that our AI solutions are ethical, transparent and safe, with a focus on risk assessment and safety standards.

How Zaibr your AI agency works

Our way of working starts with a thorough risk analysis to identify potential data protection issues at an early stage. We work closely with data protection experts and rely on transparent communication with our clients to regularly inform you about our data protection measures and compliance with the EU AI Act.

Use cases for the successful use of AI and the associated application possibilities

AI in medicine

AI is revolutionizing medicine through precise diagnoses, personalized treatments and more efficient management of patient data. It helps in the early detection of diseases and improves patient outcomes.

AI in marketing

AI optimizes not only traditional marketing but also online marketing and marketing strategies through data-driven insights and automation. It enables personalized campaigns, predictive analytics and a more effective customer approach.

AI in the industry

In industry, AI technologies ensure efficient production processes, predictive maintenance and quality control. It optimizes supply chains and reduces operating costs.

AI in production

AI increases efficiency in production through automation, real-time monitoring and process optimization. It minimizes downtimes and increases product quality.

Artificial intelligence in SMEs

AI gives SMEs access to advanced analytics tools, automation, personalized customer interactions and other AI tools, making your business more competitive.

AI in logistics

AI optimizes logistics through route planning, inventory management and predictive analytics. It reduces costs and improves delivery times.

AI in customer service

Artificial intelligence improves customer service through chatbots, automated response systems and personalized interactions. It offers round-the-clock support and increases customer satisfaction.

Artificial intelligence in the automotive industry

AI in the automotive industry is driving innovations such as autonomous driving, predictive maintenance and production automation. It increases safety and efficiency.

AI in the military

Artificial intelligence is used in the military for strategic analysis, drone control and cybersecurity. It improves decision-making and operational efficiency.

Contact us today!

Learn more about how Zaibr Innovation can drive AI projects forward. Send us an inquiry or an email and let’s develop innovative solutions together.


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Hermann del Campo /

Managing Director

Contact Innovations Studio

Maksym Strashnyy /

Location manager Potsdam

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